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Northern Scotland
Orkney Islands
Orkney Mainland

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Orkney Mainland

Mainland is the largest of the Orkney islands.

At Bay of Skaill, on the western side of the island, a violent storm in 1850 revealed the remains of a Neolithic village, Skara Brae (dating from 3000BC).

Near the southern end of Loch of Harray are the Stones of Stenness - the remains of a stone circle on a mound surrounded by a ditch and bank. This dates from c.2000 BC. Nearby is Maes Howe.

Between Loch of Harray and Loch of Stenness is the Ring of Brogar - another circle of upright stones surrounded by a ditch and dating from c.1600 BC.

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Scotland from the Roadside 2002-10 - e-mail southernhighlands/glencoe.htm" with any comments!